12 HOUR VIGIL on 20th September 2008. Over 400 signatures collected.

12 HOUR VIGIL on 20th September 2008. Over 400 signatures collected.
photo copyright News Shopper.

Monday, 28 January 2008

Short Trip to A & E was a life-saver

Dear Mr Hemming-Clark

Please continue to do all that you can to keep Queen Mary's A & E open. A few days ago I had the most acute asthma attack, so bad that I needed resuscitation.

I thank God for Queen Mary's A & E and the medical staff; without them or the fact that Queen Mary's was so near to my home I know that I would be dead.


Susan M
25th January 2008
I would not be alive today if I had the longer journey to the Princess Royal [Farnborough] or the Queen Elizabeth [Woolwich] hospitals.

After I suffered a heart attack, the ambulance arrived quickly. the paramedic worked on me all the way to Queen Mary's - a journey of six to eight minutes.

Within minutes of arrival, I has a cardiac arrest. Shortly after being resuscitated , I had another. The doctors told me I had been a challenge for the medical team and I was very lucky to be alive.

Thank you to the staff and the closeness of Queen Mary's A & E.
Valerie Watts, Robin Hill Drive, Chislehurst - from Bromley Extra 25/1/08

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