12 HOUR VIGIL on 20th September 2008. Over 400 signatures collected.

12 HOUR VIGIL on 20th September 2008. Over 400 signatures collected.
photo copyright News Shopper.

Monday, 10 March 2008

Consultation Report a Sham

I have written to A Picture of Health to complain that none of the 3 "short list" options presented to local residents includes retaining Queen Mary's A & E.

In the full report 23 "long list" options were developed in which 70% proposed keeping Queen Mary's as a fully admitting hospital (13 options) or a medically admitting hospital (3). However, by the time that these 23 options had been mysteriously whittled down to 3, not one of the 16 options to have Queen Mary's as a fully or medically admitting hospital had been retained. The 3 short list options all include Queen Mary's as a borough hospital, the lowest type of hospital.

The final 3 options were selected and articulated by the NHS behind closed doors and has left the public with what amounts to Hobson's choice. None of the 3 options provide for a fully functioning A & E, non-surgical emergencies, emergency and complex surgery, trauma surgery, children's services - inpatients, assessment and treatment, doctor-led maternity unit with intensive care for babies, or midwife-led birthing unit.

In the questionnaire the residents of the Boroughs of Bexley and Bromley are permitted to select "none of these [3] options", having been told in the consultation report that to leave things as they are "is not an option"!

The consultation report is a sham, asking for residents to respond to closed questions relating to limited options preselected by NHS bureaucrats.

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