12 HOUR VIGIL on 20th September 2008. Over 400 signatures collected.

12 HOUR VIGIL on 20th September 2008. Over 400 signatures collected.
photo copyright News Shopper.

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Feedback Event

Press Release from Independents to Save Queen Mary's Hospital

Location of Feedback Event condemned

John Hemming-Clark, Party Leader for Independents to Save Queen Mary's Hospital has condemned the decision to hold the APoH Feedback Event in Greenwich.

He said, "It's as if the APoH bureaucrats, in holding the event in the middle of a University campus in Greenwich, wanted to make the event as inaccessible to those who are the most affected by the planned closures, i.e., the poor, the elderly and the sick, as well as being as far away as possible. What's wrong with Bexley or Bromley? I have written to the APoH SRO, Simon Robbins to ask for an explanation."

A copy of the full letter follows:

Mr S Robbins, SRO – A Picture of Health
Chief Executive, Bromley PCT
3RD Floor
1 Lower Marsh

28th May 2008

Dear Mr Robbins

You may be aware that at the beginning of this month I stood in the GLA elections in the Bromley and Bexley Constituency for the above Party.

Having polled 6,684 votes I believe that I speak for many in respect of the planned wanton destruction of our local hospital.

I have just received your letter inviting me to the feedback event on 20th June and would like to ask you what on earth you are thinking of in holding the event in Greenwich?

The hospital with the most changes being foisted on it is Queen Mary’s yet I understand that no attempt has been made to hold the feedback event anywhere near the hospital, where most of the affected people live. This includes the London Boroughs of Bromley and Bexley.

Notwithstanding this decision to hold the feedback event in about as far away from Queen Mary’s as you could, without going outside the affected area I will be ensuring that as many as are physically able attend the event to once more voice their opposition.

In the meantime, I should be grateful to receive your response to the accusation that you are seeking to make the feedback event as difficult as possible for people to attend by not holding it where it should be, which is at Bexley or Bromley Civic Centre if not nearer.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

John Hemming-Clark
Party Leader

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